Who are VST and what's it all about?
VoiceScript Technologies (VST) is a United Kingdom and USA based technology company that has pioneered and patented a solution that enables a multi-person interview to be recorded, processed, transcribed and presented in a chronology – correct diarised fashion.
In short, VST can take a multi-person interview (for example: a police interview, a legal discussion, a critical job interview, a deposition, a tribunal review, disciplinary meeting, exit interview – or any other multi-person meeting event) and render a fully automated transcription – complete with time indices, formatting and speaker identified tags.
Our processing capabilities can deliver a full auto-processed transcript in roughly 1:1 time. A one hour interview is ready in about an hour – and we have over 50 languages to choose from.
VoiceScript Technologies
Current Process
Commercial Frameworks
Commercial Frameworks are developed for each customer. We would be happy to discuss your specific needs. Transcription Security and Operating Model will adjust Commercial Frameworks accordingly.
Option 1
Equipment at no cost. Pay for Use model. Aggregated volumes (nationally) provide tiered pricing levels.
Option 2
Small monthly fee for equipment. Monthly fee convertible to transcriptions minutes (eg: X/month and Y minutes included). Aggregated volumes (nationally) provide tiered pricing levels.
Option 3
Equipment supplied by Supplier (Existing Framework / Open Tender) and a per minute Pay-for-Use model for all transcriptions. Aggregated volumes (nationally) provide tiered pricing levels.
Option 4
Equipment supplied by any Framework Supplier (compatibility assured) and a low monthly fee per recording unit. Monthly fee convertible to transcriptions minutes and volumes are aggregated (nationally) which will provide tiered pricing levels.